We had a slow, quiet, cozy, bonding weekend. Far from the weekend we talked about doing. We had originally planned to maybe head to San Diego for a weekend, since we didn't make it there this summer with the girls. BUT- it was too crazy to pull off, so we stuck around town.
Friday was the most jammed packed of the weekend. I got Lauren off to school and headed back home to tackle my closet that had been driving me nuts. I took two van loads of stuff away(Kate's old crib, rocker furniture and more). On the way home the girls started their nap. I got home about 2:00. I put them to bed and had just enough time to shower myself, dress and then bath the girls and got to Lauren's school on time to get her 45 minutes later.
Lauren announced she got 14 out of 14 on her spelling test and we could celebrate if I wanted to. :) I had already planned to take her by Walgreens where we had recently been informed they had Webkins much cheaper than other places we normally shop for them. She picked out a cow and we got out of there as fast as we could. We were scheduled to meet Nanny & Papa at the mall at 3:30. Nanny had entered Lauren into a drawing and she WON. We were delighted to have the opportunity to spend $150 in the children's department- Yippee, Hurray- Nanny.
It was a bit hard at first; juggling the other little ones, bathroom breaks and trying a ton of stuff on- we managed and got about 6 outfits and 1 more webkin out of the spree. How fun and what a special treat!!! Nick came up to the mall and we all ate at one of my favorite restaurants- Kona Grill. Yum... I love to eat out.
Saturday was a slow, steady working morning. I wanted to conquer the closet that had been cleared the day before. (I posted before and after video yesterday.) I let Nick sleep in and the girls and I were putzing through old papers, keepsakes, craft supplies, school notebooks, book, picture albums- blah blah blah. Nick woke took Lauren for a long walk and stopped for some lunch. Brooke, Kate & I opted for lunch at home and I put them down for naps to finish that project.
I finished got a shower and headed out to pick up Ky. Oh our Ky, she is a treasure, one of my top favorites & worthy of her own post. Most of you know her, but I will pay tribute to her soon in another post- once I have her approval. (I also want to do a list of my favorite things later too) Anyway, I picked up Kyand headed out for a dinner and movie with my mom -her post coming soon too. :) Nick went to the ASU game with Pops.
Sunday was church, our pastor spoke about being "Declared"- referred to baptism as an outward declaration of an inward decision. The challenge was -what is LIVING inside me that should be DEAD? and -what is DEAD in my heart that needs to be LIVING? You can check it out at
http://www.mountainvalleychurch.org/Nick and I were able to get out for a date night. We have a busy week ahead so it was good to talk over dinner and relax with a movie. I love being with Nick- he's "my true loves kiss" (the girls and I tease- it's from the Disney movie- Enchanted) and my best friend. I cherish that we have the opportunity to get out together- to date, to refresh- to stay close and nurture our love and marriage. Does my heart good!
Today a lazy morning- I slept in and woke to the girls playing in EVERY room- babies scattered, crafts started, grocery shopping in progress and Toy Story 2 playing in the playroom. Oh boy, I love to sleep in- but wonder if it's worth it. ?? : ) We corraled the girls item to the playroom and got ready for a trip to the mall- yes, again. We like to go to Fashion Square- it's like vacation. We walked around, made a stop into Claire's and grabbed some lunch. We left there and got Daddy a fix watching some skateboarding at The Wedge skate park.
Home for naps, laundry, grocery list, plan the schedule for week ahead, make dinner, dishes, bath, pick up. I settled down in the playroom with the girls for some bonding. We watch Disney Rescuers- one of my favorites. I still remember seeing that at a drive in with my family as a kid. Oh, those are some fun memories. :) I popped some popcorn and busied them with a snack while I finished folding, (no FOLDapalooza today) then cuddled up to enjoy. Daddy is traveling. The girls are in bed- and I am ready for the week.
Yikes- I guess that wraps it all up.