Thursday, September 4, 2008

"This Is Your LIFE..."

I haven't done so well lately, but I try to get to the gym M, W, F mornings. I check the girls in and head up stairs to plug away at some type of cardio and some weights- I've got my hot pink i-pod and it is jam packed with over a thousand songs- it's funny, lately I stick to the handful I have purchased from i-tunes.

One of my favorites that always makes the cut is "This is your life" by Switchfoot. I like the music, I like the lyrics- makes me think, stirs me to do and be better. It's one of my theme songs- but, for me it goes deeper. It's not only about me (even on Thursdays)- I believe I am here for a bigger purpose than myself... I remember the scriptures of Psalms 139:13-16. God has a plan and purpose for my life.

"This is your life, are you who you want to be?"- even deeper- "This is my life, am I who God called me to be?" I want to LIVE the legacy I aspire to leave. (another favorite song- Nichole Nordeman- Legacy)

I have many roles I take seriously; I am a woman, wife, mother and keeper of my home. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, friend... I want to be the best and all that I am called to be in each.

I did a study last year that really helped me clarify, answer some of my questions, get connected, centered again and helped me move ahead. Sometimes we lose sight of the bigger picture in the midst of our daily "stuff". It was a personal study that asked me a million questions and in the end revealed my personality type, gifting, love language, strengths- weaknesses.. and on and on. I believe knowledge is power. I have been able to save myself a lot of grief by knowing these things. It helps me be intentional about the "projects" I take on and the direction we are taking our family.

It's a daily prayer- God, you have a plan and purpose for me- show me, help me. I want to be intentional about how I live, not just react to what is on my plate for the day. Help me see your big picture for me, my life, my family.

My mission for this year: Be intentional with a teachable heart. Reflect Gods love, hope and peace to my family and those who know me.

Back to the gym for another personal revelation- even if I spend every morning in the gym -if I do not eat right- I will not get the results I am looking for- I will not see the fruit of my hard, sweaty workout. Note to self: stay away from Paradise Bakery cookies!!!

Spiritual picture- practice what you preach. A healthy tree bears good fruit (Matthew 7:12-20) As a christian and believer, I live for someone other than myself... prove it. Am I showing it daily- Oh God, please help me...

"This is your life"

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