We played freeze tag, mother may I, and other games with neighbors in our front yard. We rode bikes, made ramps, roller skated. We rotated assigned seats in our car, survived no air conditioning in the car, and managed to live without seat belts (they weren't the norm then). We watched TV, got into trouble, made a mess of the backyard and took things apart to see what was inside. . .
I can also remember feeling alone, afraid, not prepared, not worthy.. just feeling "NOT- "
What I dwell on is the good! What I celebrate is that God had a plan- he PLANNED my beginning, my family, my parents- and that is why I am who I am today. : )
I dabble in many books- one is "Unlocking the Secrets of Your Childhood Memories"
by Dr. Kevin Leman & Randy Carlson. It's interesting, insightful and helpful.
ANYWAY- I love family life! I love family gatherings, I love a house full of family fun and craziness- holidays, celebrations- bring on family! A few of my favorite movies are "Family Stone" and "Dan in Real Life". I love that they all gather- broken, dis functional, sinners- real people- but they gather in a safe place- family- in a home.
Nick and I work to build our family and our home. A soft place to fall, a home that is warm, safe, forgiving, healthy, happy. A family life that builds up, nurtures, grows in love, points to God,
I watch them.. . I see it... all of these things... starting at home-
The girls and I made dinner together last night. I smiled at their interest in helping, the teamwork, the play, the laughing, getting along and them making memories for me.
Here's a picture of some cookie fun.
Have we discussed this? Dan in Real Life is my current favorite movie FOR THIS REASON! I like the Family Stone a lot too. Those are the reasons I want a big family. The daily chaos we experience for these first few years aren't what I think of when I think "big family" - it's the gatherings when the kids are grown with families of their own, you know? (now if I could keep convincing Mike of this...)
We haven't discussed- but could probably go on forever...
so that's how you spell chaos- I forgot the h- couldn't figure it out had to replace with craziness- ha- I even stump spell check. : )
you are my blogging buddy and my faithful comment friend.
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