Wednesday, September 10, 2008

FuN FAsHiOn FiNDs!

I'm hanging at home today- girls are down for a nap and I am done with my duties... just putzin' around and found this fun stuff-

Fashion Steals for Fall!

Best Jean 4 Your Figure:;_ylt=Ai.WEemSp.oAVDBaV3ve7EJkWr8F

PS. My friend Katie swears by the store "BUCKLE" for jeans- they run jeans back and forth to you until you find your "PERFECT" Pear- I mean pair, of course. If you R a pear shape, can you really find a perfect fit? : )

1 comment:

"Intentionally Katie" said...

I'm tellin' ya - I just converted someone else to Buckle jeans. She said the FIRST PAIR fit her perfectly and she's been shopping for good jeans for months. First pair...she swears by them now, too! Gotta check them out.