Saturday, December 20, 2008


It really is one of my most favorite things about this time of year. It's the only month of the year I check for mail everyday and anticipate what's in the mailbox. :) I can't wait to open pictures from our friends and family~ I especially like LETTERS! It's a Frederick tradition that I have come to know and love. I have a couple friends who tease me, but I hear more thank yous than razzing so on I go~ furthering the tradition.

Yesterday, I had 8 envelopes in the mailbox. Today, none. I was bummed until I opened the Family Matters newsletter. I would have just set it aside if I would have had letters to read, but today I didn't. Could it be a "God thing" as some say? :)

Anyway this is a piece I wanted to share:

Creating Family Memories and Traditions

Traditions make and enormous deposit into the lives of our family and the holidays are full of opportunities to establish traditions and make memories.

*Give a sense of identity
*Give a sense of belonging
*Give a sense of security
*Give a sense of anticipation

Make Joyful memories by:
*Keeping things simple
*Being creative
*Remaining flexible
*Having realistic expectations
*Offering forgiveness

Traditions! They are more than just the "stuff" we do, or the family lessons that are taught on... look at what they build in our children; identity, belonging, security. A sweet reminder that YES, the days are often long, full and sometimes uncomfortable (like mine today: sick Nick, tired kids, and a headache). It's sometimes hard to be Mrs., Mommy, daughter, sister, friend...but it ALL counts!!

We may not see, hear or feel the benefit/ reward immediately~ but oh, it all counts and I do see where my "pressing in and pressing on" to model, teach and grow with my kids matters. God is good!! I live a life full of his example of grace and goodness.

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