Saturday, December 20, 2008

Counting my blessings....

I blessed with a lot of great people in my life. I love my friends! One of my goals for 2009 is to get connect or reconnect with friends I haven't been able to see as often as I'd like to. I found the last year and some to be so busy with Nick and the girls I didn't put the time and energy outside of our world because I just plain didn't have it! Sad, but true.

I had the chance yesterday to catch up with my friend Julie. I had such a great time!! The morning was rough with Nick being sick, girls were cranky and tired, and I had a headache. I could have easily called to reschedule, but I just didn't want to do that "again". So the girls and I met her and her three at the park. We had a great time. I am blessed! She is a true friend, we have both been crazy, busy with husbands plus our three so we haven't spent the time together~ but we can pick up where we left off.... and spending the time together reminds me that it's better just to make the time to be in touch. I want to do life together~ connected. That's what God intends for us.

We each have three kiddles~ My three girls match up in ages to her two boys and one girl. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch and our next play time. :)

Thank you Julie for your time, patience, and friendship. I had such a great time catching up and watching the kids play together.
See you soon!!

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