I got this in email. I am not one to forward a mass blast- but this is my site...
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your
forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We
know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil
good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have
lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We
have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have
rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our
unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and
called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our
children and called it building self esteem. We have abused
power and called it politics. We have coveted our
neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have
polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called
it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the
time-honored values of our forefathers and called it
enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts
today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'
I didn't verify this, but the email noted:
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio
program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a
larger response to this program than any other he has ever
aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over
our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we
again can be called 'One nation under God.'
These are the days and ways of the Frederick Family. I'm Melissa, the wife and mommy. This blog serves as a glimpse into my life and a place to share my favorite stories, memories and stuff with my family and friends.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Kate's A B C's...
... a work in progress~ just had to catch it before it changes again. She is growing way too fast!! Love these days...
PS. Don't worry, I wasn't the driver. : )
Changed Habit/ New View...
OK, so I divulged that I haven't been to the gym like the good ole days... used to go M,W,F~ then stopped. I just found other ways to busy my mornings. Duties, fun, visiting with friends, or girl time... just busied those mornings.
My new thing.... I have been spending more time on my INSIDE. I am studying, reading~ the good ole B I B L E. Yes, I know... I should have already been doing that, but it wasn't often. Sure, church, HBC... just not a lot on my own.
Anyway, I briefly mentioned that I have been buckling down in prep for the holiday season. I have been working on the Holiday plan, traditions, arrangements and also prepping for 2009. Our family motto, goals and just getting set... well it brought me back to the bible.
I find it a little sad that I study with purpose rather than just enjoyment, but I do. I've been applying scripture to our family motto and the acronyms. We have some fun, funny and important stuff we do around here. I want to continue to teach, model, and grow in the character qualities of Christ, aka Lifeskills with the girls.
ANYWAY...all this to say~ I'm loving it! Regardless of how it happened, I rest in the fact that God knows my heart, loves me and he is meeting me and it's been refreshing! It's also great for the girls to see me reading and studying.
We have been spending our mornings outside- I study & watch while they ride their bikes, pretend, play babies, and enjoy time together. We love it!
Draw near to God, he will draw near to you. James 4:8
Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he will strengthen your heart. Psalms 27:14
It's doing my body, mind and spirit good!! : ) if you aren't already~ try it!
Here are the girls taking a snack break:
My new thing.... I have been spending more time on my INSIDE. I am studying, reading~ the good ole B I B L E. Yes, I know... I should have already been doing that, but it wasn't often. Sure, church, HBC... just not a lot on my own.
Anyway, I briefly mentioned that I have been buckling down in prep for the holiday season. I have been working on the Holiday plan, traditions, arrangements and also prepping for 2009. Our family motto, goals and just getting set... well it brought me back to the bible.
I find it a little sad that I study with purpose rather than just enjoyment, but I do. I've been applying scripture to our family motto and the acronyms. We have some fun, funny and important stuff we do around here. I want to continue to teach, model, and grow in the character qualities of Christ, aka Lifeskills with the girls.
ANYWAY...all this to say~ I'm loving it! Regardless of how it happened, I rest in the fact that God knows my heart, loves me and he is meeting me and it's been refreshing! It's also great for the girls to see me reading and studying.
We have been spending our mornings outside- I study & watch while they ride their bikes, pretend, play babies, and enjoy time together. We love it!
Draw near to God, he will draw near to you. James 4:8
Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he will strengthen your heart. Psalms 27:14
It's doing my body, mind and spirit good!! : ) if you aren't already~ try it!
Here are the girls taking a snack break:
Friday, October 24, 2008
BuSy & Speechless...
I've spent the past week hunkering down to finish some projects and get EXTRA organized for the coming holiday season. I want to continue to be intentional with my time as the world around me starts to spin... I love this time of year- We celebrate so much more than just "pass the turkey" @ Thanksgiving, and presents and Santa @ Christmas ...
I'll catch up with explanations later- right now, I'm sleepy and speechless.
I'll be back...
I'll catch up with explanations later- right now, I'm sleepy and speechless.
I'll be back...
Friday, October 17, 2008
GOD BLESS America! Mama found some jeans!
OK Girls- Listen up! : )
My friend Katie has told me for some time now to get to "Buckle" for jeans. Today, I had a chance and yes, I was brave. As I walked in wearing my "MOM" labeled tank and an old pair of jeans- I thought, what am I doing? These skinny, cute, young girls are going to help me find a pair of jeans? -ya, right. There are no jeans to fit this pear. Background- for years I have told Nick I need to create my own jean line "pear necessities".
Anyway, after a half hour, 10 pairs of jeans being thrown over the door- I went back to the original pair and walked out of the store with A NEW PAIR OF JEANS. I was excited, but still in shock over the size. It was another in your face ... stop making excuses and make better decisions about food and portions... blah, blah, blah. I was a bit sceptical too about if they really were the best, did they really look "great" like the girl said (she was maybe a size 1, if not a 0).
I hate to admit it but yes, I bought a paradise bakery cookie for the way home.
I got home, got the kids to nap, putzed around then decided to change into my new jeans. OMG, dude.. I lost 10 pounds from eating that pb cookie. :) just kidding. It's the jeans- they are fantastic!! They really are a much better fit for mama! I can't believe it! I am delighted- I am thrilled!!
Now- go out and get fitted for those perfect jeans! If I can do it- you can too!!
My friend Katie has told me for some time now to get to "Buckle" for jeans. Today, I had a chance and yes, I was brave. As I walked in wearing my "MOM" labeled tank and an old pair of jeans- I thought, what am I doing? These skinny, cute, young girls are going to help me find a pair of jeans? -ya, right. There are no jeans to fit this pear. Background- for years I have told Nick I need to create my own jean line "pear necessities".
Anyway, after a half hour, 10 pairs of jeans being thrown over the door- I went back to the original pair and walked out of the store with A NEW PAIR OF JEANS. I was excited, but still in shock over the size. It was another in your face ... stop making excuses and make better decisions about food and portions... blah, blah, blah. I was a bit sceptical too about if they really were the best, did they really look "great" like the girl said (she was maybe a size 1, if not a 0).
I hate to admit it but yes, I bought a paradise bakery cookie for the way home.
I got home, got the kids to nap, putzed around then decided to change into my new jeans. OMG, dude.. I lost 10 pounds from eating that pb cookie. :) just kidding. It's the jeans- they are fantastic!! They really are a much better fit for mama! I can't believe it! I am delighted- I am thrilled!!
Now- go out and get fitted for those perfect jeans! If I can do it- you can too!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Last week was a crazy, fun, a week of 3 kiddles at home, Lauren's bday, fall break, running around, playing, entertaining and today is officially the END of the madness. The last Happy 7th Birthday song was sung for Lauren over a free burger at Red Robin and we are done!

We love to do big birthdays! Nick likes to do them at home and with my mom's help we can pull off a party to delight all. :) I do love it- just takes A LOT.
We had a mellow Saturday and Sunday- I caught some footage of the girls playing outside yesterday morning. I love the way they play together, pretend, and get along so well. We are blessed!
Lauren's TOP 7 Birthday Favorites
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy 7th Birthday Lauren! (part 1)
My first born turned 7 today- where has the time gone? I love this kid- she is full of life, love, she is deep, and complex. Lauren has a sweet and tender heart and cares for others- she is the best of us. : ) We are blessed! October 8, 2008- She is 7 years old! Wow!
Today was ALL About LaUReN & the rest of us were along for the FUN!
Lauren's day started with our family birthday tradition- I hang streamers, make signs and have balloons throughout the house so when the girls wake- they see we have already started celebrating them! I didn't think it meant much- but, they have shown me different the last couple years. :)
We met up with Lauren's favorite school friends for a small celebration- we saw "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" then headed to Peter Piper Pizza for lunch and games.
I thought with all the activity, I was sure to get my girls for a nap- but, not today... they rested, but no sleep. I could have used a nap myself- I am not used to running crazy. It's been a busy week. Lauren is on fall break, we have had full days.
We picked up Lauren's newest thing...
What do you get when both of your parents (before Lasik) were nearsighted....
What do you get when both of your parents (before Lasik) were nearsighted....
Glasses! Yes, she is nearsighted- needs them for distance work 20/100. Isn't she cute! :)
Next stop, Nanny & Papa's to leave Brooke & Kate for a quick visit so we can do our next adventure and rite of passage.
Papa & Nanny with the girls (plus Wyatt)
Pierced ears- that is a rite of passage, isn't it? : )
This was Lauren's #1 Birthday wish... pierced ears. She even suggested foregoing a party if she couldn't do both.
She brought her special friend "Soft Bear" who also turned 7 today to comfort. She was so brave, no tears- just sweaty palms. She did great!
Look at those pretty ears.
We have major birthday festivities planned for Friday night. "Lauren's Fashion Ridge Mall"- where we will transform the house into her favorite places to visit. We will share details and pictures then.
Happy Birthday Lauren! We love you and are so proud of the sweet girl you are, the choices you are making, and your love for God and people. You make my heart happy! I love you so much.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
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