Love the Lord your God, serve him with all your heart, soul and might. Deuteronomy 11:13
We have been making time to discuss and memorize the first verse of our family motto. It's interesting how we are tested in these things. Nick and I finished making some goals, a treasured tradition. I love working together and being in unity to start the new year.
Since our rally, we have experienced an onslaught of trouble. In it, I have also seen a handful of blessings, and recognize them all to be only from God. Fun, little miracles going on around here... believe me some crazy stuff too. But I see God in it all.
It pays to serve the Lord. To know him, love him and serve him.
this picture is a sweet reminder to me: there is no love like a Daddy's love.
note to self: this too shall pass.
you will look back and laugh