Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Brookie!

Brookie is our sweet middle child, easy going, accomodating and was well deserving of a big hoopla for her 5 birthday this year~ and so it was...

11 days of celebration~

We started it the 20th with Birthday donuts to school. She loves "cheesy" eggs for dinner so that night we had the leftover donuts and her favorite meal.

The next day was the real thing. We did a family party with a Dora theme included was a scavenger hunt (Dora style) for her cake.

We sent her with all her Dora equipment (backpack, map, flashlight) to her favorite neighbors house where she found her birthday cake.

During the next week we frequented all her complimentary birthday meal locations~ which worked beautifully as she LOVES to hear "Happy Birthday Dear Brookie"... over and over again.

We enjoyed our first tea in the courtyard with GaGa to break in all of our wonderful tea treasures (china, teapots, spoons, etc.) we found in prep for her birthday party.

We celebrated her birthday with friends on the 31st. She had a "Dress up" Princess, Fairy, Ballerina Tea Party. It was such a great time. SHE loved it, I loved it~ we ALL loved it

GaGa reading about Tea time

"Tea Time"

Brooke Nicole, Brookie, Brookie Cookie O, Brooke NanNicole, Sherbert Lover, Brookster
Our sweet Brooke is a loving, generous, kind, fun, lively, entertaining, caring, adventurous, leader, best picker-upper, daring, cuddly, outside loving, swing hugging, swimmer, bike rider, anything goes, good attitude, easy kid, sweet sister, healthy, bubbling, babbling Brooke.

Thank you Jesus for my answered prayers!
Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Psalms 127: 3
Every perfect gift is from above James 1:17

Until next year, won't you join in with us on last time....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

PS. I do not post pictures with the spaces shown like above intentionally! I can't for the life of me get the dumb pictures to stack on top eachother....